Reservation form

One of the important parts of the booking process is filling in the reservation form, which every customer must go through before making a reservation. This form has its basic form, which is automatically provided by the reservation system, based on the settings and what is being booked. The form of the reservation form is also influenced by the fact whether it is a reservation without registration or a reservation made by the logged-in customer.

While you can determine for yourself what information a customer needs to enter when booking, we recommend always requesting an e-mail address. It then serves as a communication channel for sending confirmation of reservation, etc.

In case of booking without registration, the basic booking form contains mainly ** entry field for entering customer information ** (name, surname, e-mail address, telephone). The obligation to enter specific information is entirely up to you and you can determine what you require from the customer and what will be optional. The basic form is also attached capacity selection or count, which appears if the event has a higher capacity and the customer is offered the choice of the number of reserved seats. Likewise, ** price variations ** may be automatically displayed to select a specific price or count number within a given price variant or note.

Settings - Reservation page - Reservation

The other part of the reservation form may be affected by the GDPR settings, namely collection of defined consents. Again, the system takes care of it automatically, based on the specific consent you have set up in the system and ask them about your customers.

Custom forms

The reservation form can be extended with its own entry field to obtain information that is important to ensure booked services. The system offers several types of expansion fields. These input fields may be for informational purposes only (text), may be intended for collecting information, or may directly affect the price of the entire resulting reservation.

Forms - Reservation forms

You can create and edit reservation forms as needed in a separate administration. Subsequently, these reservation forms are assigned to specific events (event editing) and are then used specifically according to what the customer reserves. Keep in mind that changing your own booking form affects all future use, but not previously created reservations.

The created custom reservation form can also be set as the default (Settings - Reservation page - Reservation), ie it will always be used without being assigned to a specific date. If you then assign a different reservation form to a specific event in the settings, the default form will be ignored for that event and the one that is specific to the event will be used. It is not possible to assign multiple booking forms to the deadline, so if different variants are needed, it is necessary to create separate booking forms containing the necessary items and information.

When creating the form, you can specify what information is required (ie the customer cannot complete the reservation without entering the necessary information). So you have full control over what data you want to get from the user.

The data entered in the reservation form are only collected and stored (within a specific reservation), the system does not work with them in an automated way. Also think about what information you receive from customers, it is not advisable to let them enter personal or confidential information (passwords, card numbers, faith, orientation, etc.). If you already need to collect data that by definition belongs to the personal data category, you can directly mark it as GDPR data and the system then treats it according to your GDPR settings (deleting personal information after making a reservation).

In a similar way to the forms for the reservation process, it is possible to define custom forms for Coupons. When coupons are purchased by the customer or when a coupon code is created in the administration, additional data can be saved with the coupon. Typically, this usage of custom forms makes possible to obtain confirmation from the customer that they have read the terms and conditions or to obtain the name of the gift recipient, which will then appear on the coupon design itself. As part of creating a coupon design template, it is possible to work with this data from custom forms.

Forms - Coupon forms

If we want to display a custom form for coupons, we always need to link this form to the specific coupon. The linking settings are available in the edit of the Coupon (not within the coupon sale or coupon groups menu).

Types of input fields

Text fields

This is a basic field type that is not subject to any special checks and validations. Customer can write any text here. The field is not length-limited, but two variants can be used depending on the estimated length of the required text. Indeed, single-line text displays only one line and should not be used for longer text. With a multi-line text field, the customer can conveniently enter larger structured text, even customizing the size of the input field.

Choice of options

Unlike simple text fields, this type provides a restriction to several specific options, ie values from which the customer can or must (if required) be selected. You can rearrange the order of options by simply dragging the entire row, as well as adding new values or modifying an existing list.


This is a choice between two mutually exclusive options, respectively. "yes/no" answers to the defined question. Typically, the description of this field poses a question and the customer by ticking indicates a positive or negative response. If this field is mandatory, the customer must check this field before making the reservation and it is clearly demonstrated that by making the reservation, he/she has agreed to what you require.

If you need to agree to your terms and conditions then use this type of input field. Make the item mandatory, and you can also add a link to specific terms and conditions directly in the item description.

Special field

Fields of type "Text description" and "Address" are included in this category. The text caption is for informational purposes only for the customer within the reservation form, ie this text is only displayed and the customer does not work with it. This is particularly useful when you want to provide some general information that the customer should be notified when making a reservation. In fact, a special address field hides a group of text fields that provide a complete address format. So if you want to get a customer's mailing address, you don't have to manually create individual text fields, but take advantage of this system option. Optionally, you can also add a country entry by selecting from predefined options.

Price affecting fields

Custom reservation forms are a very powerful tool for obtaining data from customers, but they can also play a role in the process of pricing respectively calculation of reservation price. The principle of operation is such that the total price of the reservation is modified based on the selected value. The most common use is for various additional services, such as renting or buying some products as part of the reservation or an extra charge for the bonus service.

The price can be modified not only by increasing it (surcharges), but also by reducing it for different discounts. Of course, it is only a receipt of information from the user, so it is not possible to automate at the time of booking to verify whether the customer is really entitled to a discount, etc. If you want to work with discounts automatically, it is better to use discount coupons.

The price (surcharge or discount ) entered for these field types can be either absolute or relative. An absolute price is a specific amount in a given currency that is added/subtracted from the reservation price. Relative price is a percentage, when the price adjustment is applied according to the basic reservation price. In this case, it is also important whether the price adjustment is applied on a one-off basis or with regard to booked capacity (multiple). By default, the surcharge/discount is charged separately for each reserved seat. If you want to modify the final price of a reservation only once, regardless of capacity, you must check the CHARGE ONLY ONCE PER RESERVATION box.

For example, you can use a price check box to set a price adjustment for a 1+1 discounted entry for FREE with a 50% relative price adjustment.

Conditional display

Conditional views can be set for each field of a custom reservation form. Conditions can be of two types. The first option is to set the visibility depending on the checkbox of another field or the choice of options. Visibility settings cannot be applied to text fields in which the customer can enter any content. The second way to influence field visibility is by checking the reserved capacity. This alternative is particularly useful when it is possible to make reservations for multiple seats and it is important to get information about each person for whom the seat is reserved.

Export data from custom forms

Data obtained from the customer as part of their own reservation form are stored as part of a specific reservation. This data can be exported together with reservations by checking _ Include data from user-defined forms_ when exporting reservations. In the exported file, all custom data of the reservation is stored in one column/cell. This is mainly because one export may contain different reservations with different custom forms and dates. However, the column is very easy to edit and you can work with each data further. To do this, use the function of dividing cells into columns: in Excel, select the column and in the "Data" tab then the function "Text into columns". Select "Other" as the delimiter and press "Ctrl + J" (line separator) in the input field to complete the data editing.