
Providing discounts to customers is a strategic step for almost every entrepreneur - you can also use it in our system. In practice, this involves providing a discount based on the insertion of a specific code, which must be valid at the moment. In general, the discount may have a percentage, a specific amount, or even zero (in which case the code serves as an identification to provide access to the option to complete the reservation). It may not even be a discount, but an additional charge, depending on the set value of the coupon. The discount is always applied in our reservation system to the entire reservation (including items with the price from the booking form) and regardless of the booked capacity etc.

The use of coupons is suitable especially for realization of business and marketing tools such as discount coupons, gift vouchers, vouchers, activation coupons, repeated entries, discounts for club members, subscriptions, etc.

Groups of coupons

Each coupon must be part of at least one coupon group, so you must first create a group to which the coupons you create are assigned. The specific event setting then defines which group of coupons is applicable for the given event. The event is not set specific coupons, but groups of these coupons. This brings better clarity and easier coupon management in one place. At the same time, one coupon can be assigned to multiple groups and thus be available for different dates (the event can only be assigned to one group).

A maximum of one group of coupons can be associated with each event. This means that it is necessary to assign to one group those coupons that the customer can redeem for this event. An example is the requirement that only gift vouchers can be redeemed for certain dates and a club member discount for other dates. The solution is to create two groups of coupons, one group includes only gift vouchers and the other group contains a gift voucher and a discount for a club member. The specific settings are shown in the following figure.

If we want to provide coupons for all booking dates, there is no need to edit and manage each term individually. All you have to do is set the coupon group as the default in the advanced settings of the booking page. This will then be automatically applied to all terms that do not have their own coupon group defined. You can also change the name that is used to indicate a coupon on a booking page, such as Discount Code, Voucher, Promo Code, etc.

Each group of coupons can be made mandatory, which means that a reservation cannot be made without entering a valid code, thus effectively solving the customer's authorization (a reservation can only be created if it has a valid code; however, it can have zero discount value) .

Coupons and codes

The code is already a specific string (code) applicable at the time of booking and enabling the corresponding "discount". These codes are part of the specification of each coupon. These codes can be added manually according to specific needs (eg promo codes distributed in bulk). So if you have individual codes, it is no problem to add them by copying through the clipboard, even in a different format. You can also use a code generator that automatically generates strings of characters and numbers.


Setting a coupon also allows you to specify the expiration date and number of times a code is used - how many times a discount can be redeemed with one particular code. The amount of the discount does not change after the creation of the coupon and the code cannot be divided among multiple reservations (ie it is not possible to redeem a gift voucher for 200 CZK for 2 reservations separately, even if the reservation costs only 100 CZK). If it was a one-time use of the discount code and the customer redeemed it for a reservation with a price lower than the price of the coupon itself, then the reservation will be free of charge. The customer is not informed of the remaining amount of the discount, so it is advisable to consider limiting the minimum price of the reservation to apply a coupon. If you require a gradual deduction of value from a "gift voucher", is a better solution to use customer credit, which can be credited to the customer's registered account.

When canceling a reservation for which a code has been applied, the code is released again (the number of times it is used) and is usable by default according to the set parameters.

In addition to changing various values, the coupon edit page provides an overview of the number of times each coupon has been used. Specific details of customers who have applied the code can not be found here, it is necessary to solve at the level of individual codes or reservations.

An interesting and effective feature is usage of custom forms for coupon purchase by the customer or creating a coupon code in the administration. When editing information about the coupon, it is possible to define a link to a specific form, which then allows to get specific information from the customer. The principle of designing and using forms is identical to custom reservation forms.

Purchase of coupons/codes by the customer

A coupon, gift voucher and other labels for the same thing is a very effective business tool. The basic use of this tool in the reservation system is to obtain the appropriate discount when booking or to ensure the possibility of booking (in case of requiring a discount code when booking). In practice this means that you have to create individual discount codes manually (or take them from another system, eg Slevomat) and then get them in various ways to customers, who then make a specific reservation.

Coupons - Coupon sale

The reenio reservation system offers the possibility to automate this process by selling coupons directly to customers in combination with a payment gateway. The principle of sale is very simple:

  1. Create discount vouchers by default including setting all parameters (validity, discount amount, etc.) and assigning to the group of coupons. However, you will not create specific codes.
  2. Assign the appropriate group to all dates for which you want to benefit from these coupons.
  3. Create a offer of codes, where you enter for the specific coupon additional information about the offer, which the customer obtains a coupon and especially the price that the customer must pay through the payment gateway. In the description, please indicate in particular what dates or dates. services can be redeemed and under what conditions.
  4. The customer can view the offer of available coupons for purchase on your website and can buy it directly. Once paid, the system automatically generates a unique code within the given coupon and adds it to the list of redeemable codes. The customer will see this code in their account (if it is registered and logged in) and will also receive it via e-mail.
  5. The customer makes a specific reservation and applies the code that he/she has purchased. This will get the corresponding discount.

Direct sale of discount coupons is ideal especially when you want a customer to buy your service but do not know exactly when to make a reservation. You can also suitably combine the distribution of the price for the coupon and the reservation itself, so that the customer does not have to pay anything at any time (the discount code is 100% discount).

Discount codes entered manually within a specific coupon can be combined with the offer of codes for direct sale. In the list of redeemed codes you can see a special icon for those codes that were purchased directly in the system.

The offer of discount coupons for customers (on the booking page) is only visible if online payments are activated via one of the payment gateways! Purchased codes are created automatically, so there is no need to create them manually in the administration before.

Loyalty cards

Loyal customers who use our services regularly will appreciate the better prices and simpler payment method for individual reservations. Loyalty cards are not only a significant benefit for the customer, but also for the service provider, so loyalty cards can also be defined using vouchers, either for a specific number of entries, which is usually used for dates of the same type, or credit. If the range of services is more varied, and also in terms of price, a credit loyalty card with a gradual drawdown may be a more suitable solution.


The coupon can take on a specific amount that the customer will gradually draw on any services available on the reservation page (provided the term supports the relevant coupon group). Such a credit coupon is not necessarily tied to a specific customer, as is the case with customer credits, for example, so it can also be shared and, more importantly, limited to specific groups of events. If your customers are not used to creating registered accounts and you still want to give them some form of access to a virtual wallet, this type of coupon is the right solution. In addition, these coupons can be customised in appearance or attach a group of custom messages.

Number of entries

Through vouchers, it is also possible to implement loyalty card with a specific number of entries that will correspond to the number of uses. If you offer loyalty card with different number of entries, then you can create a voucher with a given number of uses. The individual codes will then be assigned to specific customers and will be used exclusively by them. The voucher must also be set as required. This will ensure that no-one who does not have a valid code with a sufficient number of free uses will sign up for a given date - only those with a valid loyalty card will be booked. You can also combine this principle with a 100% discount and not require the code as mandatory, thus allowing for a realistic booking with attendance deduction and no payment required for the booking.

Coupon design

To each coupon can be assigned own design to make it attractive to customers and enable full utilization of this tool. The custom design is created in the editor, where a variety of elements and settings can be taken into account. In addition to the discount amount and coupon code, it is also possible to add a custom background image or additional text with additional information. It is also possible to work with data obtained via custom forms.

The code can be visualized in the form of a QR code or also in text form, which is necessary for the customer when applying the code in the form on the reservation page. For manual check-in, all you need to do is use our mobile application, scan the submitted code and choose the option to apply. Then simply connect the pre-prepared look with a specific voucher in the voucher settings.

Coupons - Coupon design